Saturday 26 April 2014

Raspberry salad dressing

Jam and vinegar

Oops! It's been a really long time since I wrote any posts, and for that I apologise! Things have been pretty busy recently and I haven't had time spare to invest in my hobbies and interests (booooo).

I managed to do a couple of things today that have delighted me in the kitchen department, and I thought I'd share one of them. I'd share the other but who really wants to see my online shopping order? No, didn't think so.

The item worth sharing is this; raspberry salad dressing. Oh my. Quite the unexpected delight.

It really is this simple:

1 tablespoon of raspberry jam (yes, you heard me)
2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
Splash of water

I put the jam in an empty and clean old jam jar, then added the balsamic, screwed the lid on tight and shook it like a Polaroid picture (that's "vigorously", to young folk out there). Then I added a splash of water to loosen the whole thing, and hey presto, salad dressing enough for two meals. I'm keeping the second serving in the jam jar in the fridge for tomorrow lunch time.

I would recommend making homemade croutons to go on top of whatever salad you choose to dress with this, because you're going to want to soak up every last drop. It was delicious. It was sweet, but didn't taste like someone had put pudding on dinner.