Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Clothes hoarding overhaul

Folded organised drawer contents

The last post I wrote offered a little intro to my desire to spring clean (a little early but hey...) and this will be similar - but this time it's a clothing rant!

I was flicking through Pinterest the other day and found a little gem of a tip* about storing your t-shirts so you can see them better (the premise being you will know what you've got and wear them more), and this was the final straw for me to take action.

I love the power of clothes. They can project an image that you control; want to pretend you're not nervous? Wear a sharp suit and feel strong. Want to be the real you? Wear boots with a pretty dress (well that's the real me anyway). And of course... you can hide the 400g Toblerone you boshed last week with a comfy t-shirt and a promise to yourself to go for a long walk.

My mum bought me "Parisian Chic" by Ines de la Fressange for Christmas, and reading how the chic French ladies dress made me want to up my game and out my wardrobe disasters. What's left has been folded very neatly and put into sections to make items easier to find, and to make more things visible - folding and laying one item on top of the other means you never get to see what's at the bottom of the pile, whereas this Pinterest trick of laying them stacked horizontally means you can see the full glory of your drawers. I've implemented this fold on tops (the two photos at the top of this post), trousers (who knew I had so many jogging bottoms!), stretchy skirts, stretchy dresses, hoodies and knitwear (as you can see in the photo below).
Folded clothes

It's made it so much easier to put washing away, and makes me want to do it immediately instead of just popping it on the spare bed and pretending I'll put it away later in the week.

The whole reorganisation and minor chuck-out have made me feel so much fresher, and as though I am  less likely to be suffocated by my greed in the night. My next post will be about how I've done a refresh on the rest of the house!

*I am heartbroken that I can't find the original Pin I found, the lady whose blog it was on was so lovely and had written a beautiful piece about using this trick herself.

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