Tuesday 28 January 2014

The chic of it!

Framed photographs on wall

Continuing my theme of clearing out and getting to grips with 2014, this week I'm delighting in the changes I've made to our home recently. Don't get too excited, nothing major has changed, just a few little things here and there that make me smile as I walk around.

Framed photos on wallChristmas left me feeling claustrophobic. Even though our festive decorations were minimal they got in the way of proper cleaning, and I felt like we were being suffocated by all the things we hoarded throughout 2013. A little project I did last year (see here) made me want to replace bog-standard living room art with something more bespoke. It gave me the opportunity to make use of the space with something fresher, more unique, and hopefully more chic. I wanted to have detail and feeling within clean lines, so I bought some "Ribba" frames from Ikea in pure white, and filled them with images from our own photo collection. I've also streamlined our photo frame collection within the living room and changed everything to either dark brown or white photo frame (except the silver one which sits on the silver fire place). Co-ordination and simplicity all the way.

The rest of the house was a little more well thought out, so not much has changed, but I've made little steps in the right direction by getting rid of mounds of paperwork and generally having a ruthless chuck out of things we've been holding onto "just in case" - like magazines I might want to read again (but never have...).

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