Friday 21 March 2014

Stung by the Great British Sewing Bee

Alright, more like bitten by the GBSB bug, rather than stung by the poor little bee!

The lovely people at Minerva Crafts - - tweet along with the Sewing Bee (which is on Tuesday nights on BBC2 at the moment) telling you, amongst other things, which patterns the sewers are using. It makes it really, really hard for me to not buy the patters they're referring to. So this week I gave in and placed an order. I went for New Look 6189 (which was one of the patterns being used in the GBSB) and Simplicity 1696 because this looks very similar to a pair of trousers I currently wear very frequently to the office.

Until they arrive I've no idea what sort of fabric I'm going to use, how much I'll need or what other bits and bobs I need to get my hands on, but that doesn't stop me being very, very excited! I've a feeling these will need some effort to fit, so I may well get hold of a load of cheap fabric from somewhere that I can make some mistakes on, and then make them for real once I've worked out how to get the pattern to cover my bottom properly.

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